Win The Grant book is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide equipped with invaluable tools and checklists to help you navigate the grant writing process with confidence.

Whether you have never applied for a grant, or you are a professional grant writer, this book and additional resources is for you.
Unlock the secrets to successful grant applications with “Win the Grant” – a practical step-by-step guide to making a significant impact in your community.
This book is your roadmap to grantseeking and writing mastery. Whether you’re a budding novice or a seasoned veteran in the grant-seeking arena, “Win the Grant” provides you with the insider knowledge and practical strategies to enhance your skills. Learn to choose the right grants for your projects, and craft compelling applications that stand out. With this guide, you’ll not only increase your success rate but also learn how to secure larger grants to bring transformative change to your organisation and community.

Natalie Bramble
About the author
I believe everyone should be able to access the tools and insights to win grants and improve their businesses and community organisations. It’s why I has written this book, sharing my proven system I’ve developed and used to win over $70+ million dollars. This system helped many others win successful grants. I’m also an experienced writer, assessor, panel chair and consultant to funders, helping them shape their programs. Social impact drives my work and when I’m not writing, training or mentoring in the grants space, I support organisations with facilitation, governance and planning services through the co-founded social enterprise iClick2Learn.
How the Grant Writing System works
The 7-Stage Grant Writing Cycle
The Grant Writing System is a practical step-by-step guide with tools and checklists.
You’ll learn how to:
- Avoid common mistakes that reduce points at the assessment stage
- Critically assess your project strengths and weaknesses
- Win more points by answering the question with strategy, story and statistics
- Think like an assessor, not an applicant.
1. Plan
Plan to get grant ready
2. Find
Find grants and choose the right one
3. Align
Align to the funders goals
4. Write
Write a strong application
5. Submit
Submit without regret
6. Manage
Manage the outcome, win or lose
7. Report
Report and leverage data for more funding.
Bonus Online Resources
When you purchase the Win the Grant book you’ll get access to an online kit with all the tools and templates shared in the book to use away! There’s also a Introduction to Grant Writing course and Grant Writing 101 eBook. So it doesn’t matter where you are on your grant writing journey, we’ve got you covered.
The Online Kit includes:
- 45 minute Introduction to Grant Writing course
- The Logic Model Short course
- Grant Writing 101 eBook
- Sample Grant Application to Assess (think like an assessor)
- The Grant Answer Map
- The Grant Project Plan Template
- The Grant Calendar Template
- The Grant Go / No Go checklist
- Checklists
- Kits
- Templates
- Decision Matrix
- Tools
- Flowcharts
- Reports
- Quizzes
Purchase Options

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