Grant Writing Trainer - Natalie Bramble

The Grant Writing SystemTM will take your grant writing game to the next level

Access the FREE Online Kit

Access the online kit absolutely FREE with this book!
The Online Kit includes:
45 minute Introduction to Grant Writing course
The Logic Model Short course
Grant Writing 101 eBook
Sample Grant Application to Assess (think like an assessor)
The Grant Answer Map
The Grant Project Plan Template
The Grant Calendar Template
The Grant Go / No Go checklist

Shortcut the Learning Process

Don't have time to waste? Book a mentoring session and fast-track your progress.

Join Natalie and the Team

Participate in our exclusive Grant Q&A sessions. Get direct answers to your burning questions and gain invaluable insights.

Learn at Your Own Pace

Learn 24/7. Over 300 videos, courses, and resources to master program design, planning, risk management, budgeting, and more!. Gain access to member-only workshops, events, and expert Q&A sessions.

 The mentoring and guidance …has been invaluable….I’ve seen an increase in successfully winning grants since implementing Natalie’s grant writing concepts and approach.’ Jordana Morrison, Grants Writer

Upskill your organisation or community

Presenting and speaking

Natalie’s passion and excitement for grants will motivate and inspire your attendees and podcast listeners.

Design Tailored Grant Training Programs

Customised grant training programs specifically tailored to your strategic and learning goals. From beginners to advanced practitioners, we've got you covered! Our grant programs regularly achieve 80+ Net Promoter Scores

Deliver Engaging Practical Workshops

Interactive, hands-on experiences with practical skills and strategies attendees can apply immediately.

Invest in Knowledge

Bulk purchases of Win the Grant with The Grant Writing System are available to gift to your community, team or volunteers.

License The Grant Writing System

Harness the power of The Grant Writing System by licensing it to train to your community.

  • This has been the best grants training I have ever done and I’ve done them all
  • I like that there are really practical tools. I love that there is follow up Q&As to circle back to reinforce the learning journey
  • Very enthusiastic and inclusive. Upbeat energy. Amazing trainer
  • Experienced in what she delivered, down to earth and easy to talk to.

Expert Grant Consulting for Funders

Grant Program support

From guiding strategy, reporting and data analysis, to designing grant application forms and questions.

Assess Grant Applications

Access our team of National grant professionals. Including application support and pre-submission mock assessments.

Train and Mentor Successful Grant Applicants

Winning the grant is only one step! We can design a program or training to help them stay on track and out of trouble, getting you the results and data you need at acquittal time.

Upskill Non-successful Applicants

Would you like to be recognised as a funder who really cares about their applicants success? Support those who missed out so they can learn how to improve their chance of success.

Learning on demand

Sponsor ongoing learning for your successful or unsuccessful applicants. Over 300 videos, courses, and resources to master program design, planning, risk management, budgeting, and more!. Gain access to your own branded learning hub.

Professional Grant Writers

Are you ready to take your expertise to the next level or start and grow your grant writing business?

Expand your grant writing business or become a licensed trainer of The Grant Writing SystemTM

Improve or Start Your Grant Writing Business

Take your existing grant writing business to new heights or start one from scratch. Including writing and business skills and strategies to build a thriving business that delivers exceptional results for you and your client.

Join the Professional Grant Writers Network

Network with like-minded professionals and expand your reach by joining our Grant Writers Network. Get referrals, connect with fellow grant writers and exchange insights

License The Grant Writing System

Harness the power of The Grant Writing System by licensing it to train others. Empower others with this invaluable resource while creating a lucrative opportunity for yourself.

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